Here you can learn about the show.
See my art work and read my fan fiction.
Find a few things to do here.
Go to other sites through this link.

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Welcome to Legends of Thundera

         This is my brand new site, dedicated to one of the 80's best remembered cartoons, Thundercats. It has been my hopes, that this web site will show others what Thundercats means to me. It is more than just a cartoon, it is the driving force that is my goal to some day be an animator. Then, I will beable to make new legends for people every where.

Unicorn looking onto the Cats' Lair
         So who is the creator of this web page you ask? Well if we haven't had the pleasure of meeting before, I am known as Unicornwalker. I look forward to having new visitors, if your thinking about e-mailing me, don't be shy, I'll be happy to hear from you. As some of you may have noticed, along with my new site comes a new name, Legends of Thundera. It is a new theme that I am planning to start with all my web pages, born and unborn ;). It took me some time to find a good name... 2 years to be exact, the old name just didn't sick with the meaning of the page.
        And so, this has been the forth time I have changed my web page. As I think about the pages I used to have it brings back memories. I was like a kid in a candy store, Html was the candy, and there were so many different kinds, I just couldn't decide what I wanted. So I got the verity pack. It was all very tasty, but something wasn't right. Now, 2 years later,  I have settled on the best candy for my site, and I hope, new and old visitors alike will enjoy it too.
          I have split my site up into four major areas, my creative side, information on The Show, Fun Stuff to do, and of course Gateways, so you can visit more interesting Thundercat sites.

      I hope you enjoy your stay and visit often!


8/27/02 I revamped my entire site! Wow.. big news 'ey? Any way, I now have an award you can win for your own site or fan work and a thank you page for all of those who helped me. So far that is all, nothing else has changed from the old site to the new site.

// First site created on 6/13/00 // Last updated 9/5/02 //
Visitors since 6/26/2000:counter by  web-counter